Die Electronic Frontier Foundation bittet um Mithilfe in Bezug auf Mesh-Patente. Die EFF sieht ein großes Problem in bestimmten Patenten, die Einfluss auf verbreitete Mesh-Protokolle (wie das von Freifunk entwickelte B.A.T.M.A.N.-Protokoll) haben könnten:
Wireless Mesh Networking is still in its nascent stages, and the innovations and experimentation of the open source community are playing a vital role in advancing the technology. However, there has also been significant proprietary and military interest in the technology, and companies are seeking patents in many areas of WMN already explored by the open source community. We unfortunately know what can happen when overbroad patents get granted—the rise of patent trolls, lawsuits that can threaten growing businesses, and threats that target entire areas of technology. We don’t want to see that happen to mesh networking.
We have identified several patent applications that we believe particularly threaten the free development of mesh networking technology. There is a danger that these patents, if granted, will lock up the basic mesh network infrastructure and restrict advancement of and access to the technology.
Die EFF bittet nun um Mithilfe auf der Suche nach sogenanntem Stand der Technik (Prior Art), um die Patente zu Fall zu bringen:
Which is why we need your help. We are again partnering with Ask Patents so you can help us identify the best prior art to reign in these applications. While prior art for issued patents must date back many years, these are recently filed applications for which relatively recent publications may be helpful. Look at each “Request for Prior Art” we post to learn the exact priority date.
Working together we can protect the mesh networking community from overbroad, illegitimate patents that threaten to stifle innovation and access to technologies that preserve personal freedoms.
Copyright-Hinweis: Der Artikel von Julie Samuels steht unter einer Creative Commons-Attribution (CC-BY 3.0)-Lizenz.